> At Home Around the Chesapeake Bay: Timesavers & Tips: Give 12 Old Items New Life to Organize on a Budget

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Timesavers & Tips: Give 12 Old Items New Life to Organize on a Budget

Old Items, New Ideas
Introducing structure to the chaos that tends to overtake your home will save you time and stress. However, some people shy away from organization techniques because they believe it involves dedicating too much time and money, but this is not the case! You have items in your home right now that are not being used; these items can be repurposed into time- and money-saving projects. This will not only help you in the home, but will also allow you to use items to their full value.

Recycle Items into Creative Containers

There are many seemingly useless items strewn about the house that end up in the trash can on a daily basis. However, these items can be reused in unique organization projects throughout the home. Candy tins, cardboard boxes, tissue boxes, and more can be repurposed as customizable storage bins! These containers allow you to save time and money, while organizing small items that accumulate throughout your house. Similarly, old vases and dish racks can be used to store larger items, such as accessories. Utilize these crafty tips, and stop throwing out money-saving items!