> At Home Around the Chesapeake Bay: TECH TIP: Streamline Your Life with this Top-Ranked Productivity App

Monday, May 18, 2015

TECH TIP: Streamline Your Life with this Top-Ranked Productivity App


Organizing With Evernote
You may not be too familiar with Evernote now, but this guide will make you realize that this app is a necessary tool to becoming organized in your daily life. A common misconception is that Evernote is simply a note-taking tool, but its usefulness stretches far beyond this. It can help you keep track of the various responsibilities you have in any given day. The following cheat sheets will help you develop your Evernote skills and get you back on task!

Evernote 101
Evernote offers a variety of time-saving content that will allow you to coordinate all of your business needs. The ability to take notes is key; however, you will also be able to create and monitor task lists and embed web links directly into your notes. Business transactions are easily filed in Evernote using the Document Camera; this will allow you to know that all of your receipts, invoices, and bills are kept in one place. You will also have the ability to store the multitude of business cards from your contacts in one location.

Power User Tips
This download includes user tips and keyboard guides that will allow you to navigate through Evernote more quickly. Learn how to insert e-mail addresses and meeting times in seconds, and also discover how you can search efficiently and effectively. Evernote will also record and save your recent searches, allowing you to save even more time. These tips can be used along with the provided keyboard shortcuts to ensure that time spent on Evernote is always productive.