> At Home Around the Chesapeake Bay: Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year when many of us gather together to share food with family, friends and loved ones and give thanks for the bounty of the year.

Growing up, our Thanksgiving dinner had many of the traditional food goodies you'd expect. Sometimes, there were less traditional dishes prepared--snake, alligator, or chocolate covered grasshoppers.

What's your favorite Thanksgiving food? 

Among one of many Thanksgiving food favorites is my mother's cranberry sauce infused with a citrusy orange flavor. The chilled, tangy tartness made all the other foods somehow taste better. The fact that it wasn't just a favorite of mine meant that there was never enough to go with the next day's leftovers.

My parents aren't hosting the Thanksgiving dinner this year and the cooking has been left up to one of our other family members. Though, I'll still make cranberry sauce for myself.

In honor of cranberries, here's a short video taking you to a fourth generation cranberry farm. It certainly sheds some light on the cranberry and its harvesting process. I hope you enjoy it.

Whatever you plan to do for the holiday, enjoy and be safe!

Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours!